Key Questions To Ask For Your Brand + Website Photo Shoot

When you book a website with me, one of the first things we talk about is the power of killer imagery, especially in your website design. While there's nothing wrong with supplementing with stock photography (that's what it's for!), many of my clients are quick to line up a brand photo shoot as soon as their website is in the calendar. But then comes the big question: "What do I tell my photographer to make sure we get what we need?" It's a question I hear a lot, and it makes total sense! So, here’s a little guide I’ve whipped up to help you chat with your photographer like a pro and nail those brand vibes right from the get-go.

What to ask to prep for your brand + website photo shoot | Six Leaf Design | Freelance Logo, Brand, Website Designer | Denver, Colorado

Define Your Brand's Personality

First up, let's talk about your brand's vibe. This isn't just about what colors you like, it's about the message you're sending to your audience. Is your brand more about being professional and polished, or does it have a laid-back, easy-going feel? Make sure your photographer gets this because it'll shape the whole shoot. If you're doing a brand foundations package with me, you'll even get a mood board you can share.

Communicate Your Color Palette

Colors are more than just pretty, they communicate your brand's personality and identity. Share your color scheme with your photographer ahead of time if you can. This way, they can plan to incorporate these colors, whether it’s through the setting, the props, or what you're wearing.

Think About The End Use

Be clear about where each photo will be used on your website. Whether it's for the homepage banner or the contact page, your photographer can make sure to get the composition just right. Even if you don't fully know quite yet exactly where you need pics on your site, talking through the pages you'll have will give great direction.

Request A Variety Of Shots

Ask for a variety of different angles, orientations (both portrait and landscape), and even candid shots. You're looking for flexibility here, so you have plenty of options when it comes to fitting photos into different parts of your site.

Talk About Image Licensing

Boring, yes, but necessary. Make sure you know what you can and cannot do with the photos after the shoot. This should be in the contract you sign with your photographer as well. It's like understanding the rules of a game before you start playing – it just makes everything easier.

High-Resolution Images

This one's simple: high-res photos look better, especially on today's high-definition screens. Make sure your photographer knows you need high-res images, because a web designer can always compress images down to be smaller, but we can't magically improve the quality of a low-resolution photo.

Action Shots

Lastly, think beyond just standing and smiling at the camera. Photos of you in action or interacting with someone can add a dynamic layer to your website. It shows you're not just a face, you're a person who's actively engaging with your work or your clients.

Now you've got a straight-shooting guide to making sure your brand photo shoot is a hit and can go into your session with confidence knowing exactly what you're doing. Keep it simple, communicate clearly with your photographer, and you'll have a set of photos that do more than just fill space on your website – they'll tell your brand's story!

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

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