Free Wallpaper for November 2020

I woke up this morning and realized it was the first of a new month and I hadn’t even thought about creating the wallpaper design. This is the first time that’s happened in the last almost 8 years and it feels both liberating and terrifying to know that no one is here to hold me accountable but myself. And then when I sat down to work on it, my computer decided to refuse to work and I spent 3 hours with Apple support trying to figure it out. Because the universe thinks it’s funny to mess with us.

So here’s the design for the free wallpaper for November, 100% created while talking to the most lovely human I could have asked for to give me bad news about my computer (hi Tyler if you’re seeing this!). Slap this baby on all your digital screens to brighten up your day — we all need it! Please share and enjoy!

Download the size you need here: Desktop Size, Mobile Size, or No Calendar Version.


Not too much to report here. Still social distancing and trying our best to stay safe during a pandemic. In Colorado everyone gets their ballots in the mail so we voted weeks ago and now all we can do is wait (PLEASE VOTE!). Miles is growing like a weed and looks more and more like a kid every day. He’s a parrot right now and repeating everything we say so we’re trying to curb our swearing. Wish us luck!


I’ve been working on some big process updates behind the scenes for my One Week Website package to make it more streamlined and that includes a mini course that will walk clients through their content creation. Then I’ve got a limited number slots that will be available soon for 2021(if you’re interested you can check out more info here and sign up to get notified as soon as they’re available).

I’m also planning to get back to writing articles for my email list and blog. Hopefully about once a month so drop your email below if you want to see them or shoot me a message if there’s a specific topic you’d like to hear my thoughts on.

Have a lovely November!

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

How To Start Your Brand With A Mood Board


Why Hire a Graphic Designer for Your Logo