Free Wallpaper for May 2020

Happy May! How you guys hanging in there? I’m honestly having the hardest time writing this right now because I have no idea what to say. We’ve been quarantined and staying home for the last 6+ weeks now and it doesn’t feel like the end is anywhere in sight. So I just keep reminding myself that this won’t be forever, even if it seems like it. And maybe you can tell yourself that, too, if it helps you keep going.

But regardless, a new month still means a new free wallpaper design! This month I knew I wanted to use blue and to create a fun patterns with doodles. So that’s where I started and this is what came out of it. I actually really like it and I hope you to, too! Download the size you need below to decorate all your digital devices. And please share and enjoy!

Download the size you need here: Desktop Size, Mobile Size, or No Calendar Version.


We’re holding it together in my household…some days it feels like by just one single, solitary thread though. My husb and I are splitting childcare pretty much equally now that his company got approved for the stimulus grant money meaning that he’s back to practically full-time working from home. Except really, neither of us can actually work full-time when one of us has to wrangle the toddler during his waking hours. He’s lucky he’s so stinkin’ cute 😂

I mostly can’t wait for when we can see family again because when they say that it take a village, they didn’t take into account that village would be living through a global pandemic and unavailable to help at all.


Last month I mentioned starting every email with “hope you’re staying sane + healthy” and this is month is no different. I even saw a meme about it that cracked me up. Have you guys seen this?


In other non-meme-related news, people seem to be waking up a bit from their initial shock and thinking about how to move forward now. I’m starting to see inquiries come in again and scheduling consults. The new branding + website for The Current Salon & Academy launched and I’m ecstatic with how it turned out. One of my favorites that I’ve worked on so far this year, for sure!

And in the very spare spare time that I have, I’ve started working on a new One Day Branding offering. It’ll let people choose from a selection of premade brand designs and get all the pieces of my full custom brand package, but at a fraction of the regular price. I’ll keep you posted on when that’ll be available, but I really have no idea since I need to actually build out the brands before releasing it and I’d like to have 3-6 ready when I launch it. If it’s something you’re interested in then hit me up via email or on Instagram and let me know! The more people that show interest, the more of a priority I’ll make it!

Have a wonderful Month of May!

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

Free Wallpaper for June 2020


Free Wallpaper for April 2020