Free Wallpaper for May 2018

April has been one of those months where it felt like everything and nothing happened all at once. Personal highlights of the month include: taking two ski days, attending a very intense Wrestlemania party, joining a Wednesday night trivia team and experiencing my first drag queen bingo (so frickin' fun!). Business highlights include: wrapping up a beautiful gold-foiled invitation suite for the Children's Museum, cranking out 2 logo designs and a website design, and filling up my schedule all the way through June. So overall, I'd say it's been a pretty eventful 30 days. 

Hopefully you've been having a great month and May will only get better as the weather warms up, too. I've put together this free lil' beauty with a hand-drawn pattern for you that has all of the X's and none of those pesky O's. Slap these on all your digital devices and please share and enjoy!

I'm on the social medias here on Facebook and here on Instagram if you want to follow along!

Download the size you need by opening the link and right clicking to save. If you are on a mobile device, open the link in your browser and save the image to your photos, then go to settings and select your photo as your wallpaper. 2560px x 1600px, 1920px x 1080px, 1680px x 1050px, 1440px x 900px, 1280px x 800px, iPad, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 or 7, iPhone 6 or 7 Plus, Droid and No Calendar Version.

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

Free Wallpaper for June 2018


Free Wallpaper For April 2018